Class Descriptions

Beginners Yoga – We plant the seeds for a lifelong love of yoga, gently guiding you through postures and breathing exercises. Beginner yoga classes are the perfect way to understand and energize your body, relax your mind and become more in-tune with your true nature. All poses can be adapted to fit any body. Including those who do not feel they are “flexible enough” to practice yoga.

Chair Yoga – Is for everybody! Come and explore poses using the chair as a support. All poses can be adapted to seated or standing variations. If you prefer to avoid going down to the floor this class is for you.

Family Yoga – For ages 7 – 107. We welcome all yoga practitioners from beginner to advanced stages. A combination of stretch, flow, and breathing techniques. We request that all yogis are comfortable meditating and/or sitting quietly for up to 10 minutes.

Fun, Fit, Flow Yoga – This dynamic class is meant to create the foundation of your vinyasa flow. The progression of postures will challenge your focus and align breath with movement and aspire strength and mobility.  Using these building blocks, each class will be inspired by Vedic themes inviting you to explore all parts of self. Come sweat and glow!

Gentle Yoga – For all levels of yoga practitioners from beginner to advanced stages. A combination of stretch, flow, and breathing techniques.

Lunchtime Yoga – A perfect way to break for lunch! For all levels of yoga practitioners from beginner to advanced stages. A combination of stretch, flow, and breathing techniques offering everyone a positive start to their afternoon.

Mom & Baby – Regain strength & flexibility as you bond with your baby in a supportive, welcoming environment. Connect with other moms and share your experiences while you rebuild your core, release tension and rejuvenate. Enjoy holding your baby in your arms, sitting in your lap, or playing on the floor. This special time is for moms and babies to let go of all worries. Your baby may sleep, or fuss, feed and/or play. This class is designed for moms with infants 6 weeks old to beginning to crawl.

Relax & Renew Restorative Yoga – Finish the day and leave all your stress behind. Come settle into a grounded stretch based class, completed by a restorative mediation. Teach your body how to de-stress, rest and renew. This class involves the use of our bolsters, blankets, blocks and straps. There are no standing poses in this class.

Yoga & Meditation – Join us and explore a variety of meditation techniques. Styles will include Mindfulness, Mantra, Yoga Nidra and more… We will start the class with some gentle yoga to prepare the body for stillness.

All classes presented by Ageless Arts Yoga and its yoga instructors require you to listen to your own body and only do what feels good. Adjustments and modifications are always welcome.